End Speciesism

End Speciesism Speciesism: an unjust ideology Humans have the tendency to treat different species in different ways depending on the level of societal conditioning that has taken place, most notably in the formative years. How we were raised largely dictates … Read More

Black angus in paddock
Media Release – Cattle Crash Deaths Avoidable

MEDIA RELEASE 23 October 2018 Cattle Crash Deaths Avoidable Animals Tasmania (AT) are distressed by the recent truck crash at George Town last night that apparently claimed the lives of several cattle.

VeganFest Tasmania logo
VeganFest Tasmania

4 November 2018 10am- 3pm Kingston Beach Community Hall   Get excited because we will soon be holding the inaugural VeganFest Tasmania! This will be a celebration of all things vegan.

Duck Rescue 2018 - Moulting Lagoon
Media Release – Ducks and Guns Don’t Mix

MEDIA RELEASE 10 March 2018 Ducks and Guns Don’t Mix  – Ban Duck Shooting Animals Tasmania (AT) and concerned citizens are ready to protect native ducks on the eve of the 2018 duck shooting season. Rescuers will take to wetlands

Fergus Gives A Hoot book - front cover
Fergus Gives A Hoot book

Wildlife activists Owl and Echidna feel sick and sad that so many of their friends and family members are hurt and killed on the roads in their neighbourhood. They want humans to make their roads safer for wildlife. As Owl … Read More